"īut when starting up my system I get this in the home-assistant.log file 18:05:57 WARNING (Dummy-4) Z-Wave Notification DriverFailed : I have paired a device with the stick and tried to setup the config like this zwave: That’s it! All my zwave devices can now be manage via openHAB.Hey everyone, I have a Raspberry Pi 3 b+ running the latest hass.io and I am trying to setup a Z-Stick S2 "Aeon Labs" on my homeassistant. Using the GUI again, enter "/dev/ttyACM0" into the serial port box. 10-Using openHAB GUI, install and configure the zwave binding. 9-Download and manually install the openHAB QPKG (newly release 2.0 version) package for QNAP. 6-Search for corresponding serial for Zwave, command: “ls /dev/tty*” 7-You should see “ttyACM0” listed 8-Write down the full directory path, “/dev/ttyACM0” as you will need this information for openHAB zwave binding configuration. 1-SSH into your NAS 2-Install Zwave drive, command: "insmod /usr/local/modules/cdc-acm.ko” (you must have version 4.3 beta installed) 3-Insert USB wave stick to back port of NAS 4-Query usb bus, command: "lsusb" 5-You should see "Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0658:0200 Sigma Designs, Inc.” listed.

Hope this helps.īocaspbx wrote:For those of you trying to find a similar solution, I was able to get a full automation solution on my NAS working with openHAB. I am currently testing/learning both automation solutions Home Assistant and OpenHAB using their official docker images without issues. As a quick workaround, I simply unplug/reinserting the USB device and again reboot docker image from Container station GUI. I also notice this behavior when manually unplugging/reinserting and then reboot the docker image via Container station GUI. You can see this by running "ls /dev/tty*” from the docker image command line.

Regarding reboots, After each NAS reboot the serial port designation would change from ttyACM0 to ttyACM1.

docker run -d -p 8123:8123 -name home-assistant01 -restart=always -net=host -privileged -v /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Container/hass/hass01/:/config -device /dev/ttyACM0 homeassistant/home-assistant After running the above command, I went back to Container station GUI to manage the image as normal. As an example, here is the command I ran from the NAS command line and confirmed to work. This should have worked on the GUI, but it didn’t for me. First, I had to SSH into the NAS command line and manually load the docker image with the necessary options. As a quick update, I did manage to get Home Assistant docker image to also access the zwave Aeon Labs Z-Stick. Hello, I am also new to Linux, QNAP and Automation.